8 x 6" Clear Bags
40 micron high clarity self sealing cellophane bag. Ideal product for enhancing your artwork and photo prints.
from £8.00
10 x 8" Clear Bags
10 x 8 Inch Cellophane Bags 40 micron high clarity self sealing cellophane bag. Ideal product for enhancing your artwork and photo prints.
from £9.00
12 x 10" Clear Bags
40 micron high clarity self sealing cellophane bag. Ideal product for enhancing your artwork and photo prints.
from £11.00
14 x 11" Clear Bags
40 micron high clarity self sealing cellophane bag. Ideal product for enhancing your artwork and photo prints.
from £13.00
20 x 16" Clear Bags
40 micron high clarity self sealing cellophane bag. Ideal product for enhancing your artwork and photo prints.
from £24.00
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